Hei!! I am Stefan de Jager,

full stack web enthusiast.

Hei!! I am
Stefan de Jager,

full stack web enthusiast.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio page!

With a clear preference for backend logic / automation and infrastructure (either own metal or cloud based), I like diving into any subject in the digital world.

While working on any piece of tech, I always try to strick to the following principles:

  • Focus on the end-user expectations.
  • Code should be easy to understand and maintain.
  • Every element only has one task.
  • Making a product should be as fun as using it.

1. About

This page serves as a repository and display of my journey through everything webtechnology which started during the winter of 2018. Each project on this website has been created for self-study goals and has not been the result of monitized assignments.

As from January 2020 I have been lucky enough to land a spot at a software company which provides me with the opportunity to gain a lot of knowlegde by developing inhouse tools and contributing to server infrastructure maintainance. For obvious reasons, these will not appear in my personal github repositories.

More about the tasks of my day job can be found here.

Because I have used a lot of open source tools and packages, it is only fair to invite you to use / copy whatever you can find in my projects and/or repo's.

2. Toolbox

This is a selection of tools I regularly work with. Click on each item for more details.

  • Frameworks
  • Programming languages
  • Misc
  • Server
Other skills


Software I like to use

[ Neovim, Insomnia, Beekeeper ]

3. Hobby-projects

This is a selection of projects I have worked on or are still actively enjoying myself with.

All these items are for educational purposes only.

NogWat App

A mobile app on the Ionic platorm. Decoupled backend through Laravel API using Vue3 for the UI. Group/family grocery list and recipe sharing tool

  • PHP - Laravel
  • JavaScript - Vue
  • MySQL db
  • Ionic Framework



A multiplayer quiz with a seperate hosting player in order to keep the social aspect alive. Used multiple times on parties and other occassions.

  • GO - Gin
  • JavaScript
  • PostgreSQL through Cockroachdb
  • Hosted on serverless container at Scaleway



Getting to know the Laravel framework and all that comes with it through the creation of browser based multiplayer strategy/tradingcard game.

  • PHP - Laravel
  • JavaScript and Blade templating
  • Mysql


4. Work experience

After obtaining my bacholors degree in economics, I've worked in the Logistics industry. The last 4 years of those as an IT project manager coordinating EDI integration between a set of large international companies.

During this time I found my passion for tech and decided that to learn as much as I wanted, it might be a good idea to look for a place at a company where tech is the core business.

Lucky for me, there was a great company looking for people and it is still the place where I work. Initially as software consultant but for the last couple of years as a software engineer


As a member of the SysOps team and software engineer, I assist in maintaining the server clusters on which seperated parts of the product are hosted.

A 100% cloud based infrastructure has now been set up and is managed through Terraform. Together with a small team of developers we are not responsible for maintaining and imporving that as well as migrating the product to that infrastructure one client at a time.

micro-service development

From time to time we decide to make our own tooling instead of committing to a third party SaaS tool or installing a ready made package.

To provide an example: I have had the opportunity to build a complete implementation platform granting consultants insight in the steps which need to be taken (and by whom to complete) in order to start using our product. It works by communicating with the API of our CRM package and leveraging the same authentication method as our product does.

custom scripting

The core business of our customer base never has to do with tech or IT but they generally do have specific needs for automation.
When we would be able to tag on a bit of automation to our product to fullfill a specific niche requirement, I set this up through an as simple as possible script. Sometimes this takes care of a one-off operation, other times these are scheduled to run periodically. These scripts are either written in PHP, Go or Bash depending on what the best tool for the job is.
